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How Dermadry Can Help Athletes

By Sam Nardi 2021 Aug 18th
Dermadry Team

Hyperhidrosis, Exercise, and Athleticism

Exercise can make anyone work up a sweat. Often, the measure of a good workout is how sweaty you are at the end of it, and some take pride in the amount of sweat they produce. However, for those suffering from hyperhidrosis, a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating, the sweat never stops regardless of physical activity or exertion.

Primary hyperhidrosis most commonly affects the hands, feet, and underarms and leads to excessive, uncontrollable sweating from these areas, which can make many sports and activities complicated and potentially dangerous. In some cases, it can even dissuade people from partaking in certain sports and activities due to a fear of sweaty hands and feet making their sport dangerous or uncomfortable, as well as a fear of how others will perceive them.

Sweat should never get in the way of partaking in sports and doing the things you love. Thankfully, with proper treatment, the effects of the condition can be managed and you can perform to the best of your abilities and feel your best at all times.

Dermadry is an at-home iontophoresis device that treats excessive sweating of the hands, feet, and underarms—the three zones most commonly affected by primary hyperhidrosis (the medical term for excessive sweating of unknown cause). Iontophoresis is a non-invasive, drug-free, and needle-free way to treat hyperhidrosis that can provide up to 6 weeks of dryness at a time. For those who live busy and active lifestyles, Dermadry is the optimal way to treat excessive sweating on your own schedule, so that sweat never gets in the way of doing the things you love again!

How Dermadry Can Help Athletes

Feel Your Best and Improve Your Confidence

While some people associate excessive amounts of sweating with a good workout or performance, some don’t quite feel that way, especially when they’re constantly feeling sweaty, regardless of their activity level. Truth is, excessive sweating can lead to unsightly sweat stains and even body odor. Some clothing and footwear can even be damaged or ruined with constant exposure to sweat creating a perpetually moist environment.

Dermadry can help you achieve long-lasting dryness, so even when you’re at your most active, sweat will not get in the way of your performance. You’ll still sweat a normal amount from the rest of your body, however your hands, feet, and underarms will be dry enough to keep you focused on what’s important. Treating your excessive sweating will help you regain your confidence and feel your best, whether you’re doing a workout, competing in a professional sports game, or just partaking in a physically demanding recreational activity.

Decrease Recurring Costs on Athletic Gear

If you’re a really sweaty person, then chances are you’ve tried every deodorant and antiperspirant on the market. In addition to these recurring costs, having to replace athletic gear more often due to constant contact with dampness, resulting from excessive sweating adds up. Those who sweat excessively will go through clothing and shoes much quicker than the average person as the constant exposure of materials can lead to a buildup of stains and odour, as well as irreparable damage.

Dermadry’s iontophoresis device is a one-time buy that eliminates the need for recurring costs such as antiperspirant wipes, creams, powders, sprays, and more. You’ll also save money by not having to replace shoes, clothing, and athletic gear as often, as these will not be in contact with constant dampness as a result of excessive sweating and a buildup of antiperspirant and deodorant residues.

Perform to the Best of Your Abilities

Sweating too much can impact your performance. Whether sweaty hands are making activities such as rock climbing and weight lifting dangerous, or sweaty hands and feet are rendering your sport dangerous and impacting your ability to perform, they’re a major nuisance.

By getting your sweating levels under control you’ll get a better grasp on what you’re doing as you’ll have one less thing to worry about. Not worrying about excessively sweating through your workout clothes and shoes to a point where it’s uncomfortable and not having to worry about slipping or endangering yourself with sweaty hands or feet are just some of the benefits that long-lasting dryness can provide. 

Prevent Other Medical Conditions

Sweaty feet are consistently ranked as one of the top risk factors for athlete’s foot and can even be the cause of recurring cases of the condition. Those who suffer from the excessively sweaty feet, also known as plantar hyperhidrosis are also more susceptible to developing ingrown toenails, as toenails can more easily penetrate surrounding tissue when it is moist and soft.

Wearing closed-toe athletic shoes and sweating excessively can create the perfect moist environment that can lead to foot odour and problems. If you suffer from sweaty feet, then a great way to prevent future recurring cases is to treat the root of the problem. As hyperhidrosis is one of the primary risks associated with the development of athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, and other conditions affecting the feet, treating the underlying condition can help resolve associated problems and side-effects. Dermadry’s home-use iontophoresis can provide up to 6 weeks of dryness at a time. Since treatments are done at home, this saves you from also having to reapply antiperspirant creams and moisture-absorbing powders and products, which is not always feasible in the middle of a game or workout. It will also eliminate the buildup of these products and keep your feet and shoes dry, clean, odour-free, and healthy.

Convenient Treatment that Adapts to Your Active Lifestyle

Having to stop what you’re doing to reapply antiperspirant or powder your hands is inconvenient, impractical, time-consuming and sometimes just not doable depending on the situation. Dermadry’s iontophoresis device is an at-home treatment that adapts to your busy schedule and lifestyle. Treatment sessions are 15-20 minutes and can provide dryness for up to 6 weeks at a time. Treatments can be completed in the time it takes to watch one episode of a show, and can be done anytime of day or night. There’s no more need to account for the time and energy spent trying to treat and/or conceal your sweat, and you can do your treatments whenever you like, so you're finally in control.

If you always feel like you’ve just gone for a swim even if you haven’t stepped into the water, then browse through Demadry’s anti-sweat device range so you can attain the comfort, confidence, and dryness you deserve to live, feel, and perform your best at all times.

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