How to Treat Hyperhidrosis at Home

How to Treat Hyperhidrosis at Home

Since the onset and development of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many government-mandated shutdowns of non-essential businesses and services. The healthcare system has also been overburdened by an unprecedented amount of cases of a highly contagious virus. This has led to many elective surgeries and non-essential appointments to be cancelled or postponed, to make room for coronavirus patients. Additionally, this has been done to lower the risk for highly at-risk groups, including healthcare workers and patients. Many private clinics have shut down their services, bar emergency consultations, for similar reasons.

Pharmacies are classified an essential business and remain open, as people need life-saving medication and refills on prescriptions, however hours have been drastically reduced, and home-delivery has become more difficult to obtain due to an unprecedented increase in demand. Stockpiling of medications, due to fears of uncertainty regarding how the pandemic will develop, has also made some medications hard to obtain.

The guidelines set forth by many governments stating that their citizens only go out for necessities, and to otherwise stay home, has made many rethink what is truly a necessity. The general consensus is simply to avoid going out if you don’t have to, as well as limiting your essential trips as much as possible. These new guidelines have complicated lives in many ways. This has complicated the lives of many awaiting elective surgeries, treatments, or consultations, and in some cases has led them to start seeking alternatives in the meantime.

A group that has been affected by these limitations are hyperhidrosis sufferers. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating that affects at least 5% of the global population, or about 365 million people. It is a benign non-life threatening condition, but studies have shown that the condition can have a negative effect on quality of life and general well-being of its sufferers. It is also linked with an increased risk of anxiety and depression, and in severe cases can lead to complete social isolation. While these social distancing guidelines have provided some relief for hyperhidrosis sufferers, as they are already accustomed to this type of lifestyle, it has limited their treatment options.

Some of the most popular treatment options for hyperhidrosis are botulinum toxin (Botox) injections, as well as prescription anticholinergic medications, which both reduce sweating, as long as the treatments are maintained. These treatments are not for everyone, as they pose significant potential risks and side-effects, however, those who do employ one of these methods, may have found that it is harder to have access to these treatments. In the case of injections, patients must go to an appointment every couple of months (on average), as this is when the effectiveness of the previous round lessens to a point where sweating returns. With clinic shutdowns or partial shutdowns (only open for emergencies) there’s no way to currently get Botox injections, leaving hyperhidrosis sufferers who use botox injections as a treatment at a standstill for the foreseeable future.

Similarly, if you need a refill on your prescription, it has become nearly impossible to schedule an in-person appointment as doctors are only taking emergency appointments right now. Most people would not want to risk their health and safety or that of those around them for non-crucial clinic visits anyway. It has also become increasingly difficult to get a prescription filled since pharmacies have reduced hours and long waiting lines. Additionally their home-delivery option is overburdened with an unprecedented amount of people wanting to get their prescriptions delivered to their door in order to avoid having to leave their home. Lastly, there is the issue of people stockpiling as much as they can on prescriptions they need so they can make less frequent trips. For hyperhidrosis sufferers, these medications (generally anticholinergics) have to be constantly refilled, and as soon as they run out, the sweating comes back. It is clear that this is an inconvenience in many ways.

We think that it is essential for hyperhidrosis sufferers to have continued access to a treatment that maintains their results and keeps them dry. This can be done by selecting a treatment that is a one-time buy, is done at home whenever you want, and can be adapted to your schedule and lifestyle. In other words, a treatment you are completely in control of and does not rely on any third parties, so that in the event that an unforeseeable event like this occurs, you can maintain some peace of mind, at least as far as your hyperhidrosis is concerned. Excessive sweating should be the last thing on your mind in situations like these, and anytime, really. You may be thinking no such treatment exists, but we’re here to tell you that it does. We’re talking about tap water iontophoresis, of course.

Iontophoresis for the treatment of palmar (hand) and plantar (foot) hyperhidrosis can be traced back at least as far back as the 1940s. Since its introduction, it has undergone significant technological advancements and developments, and it can now effectively be used to treat other parts of the body affected by hyperhidrosis, namely the underarms. It has been consistently ranked as one of the safest, easiest, and most effective ways to treat hyperhidrosis, and home-use devices have made it easier than ever before to treat excessive sweating at home. Clinical studies have shown that success rates with these home-use devices are upwards of 93% of patients treated for hyperhidrosis.

During tap water iontophoresis treatment, a medical device, such as Dermadry, delivers a mild electrical current to the treatment area, which is slightly submerged in water (hands and feet) or covered by a thoroughly dampened sponge (underarms). The minerals and electrolytes found in tap water help the current efficiently travel through the water and onto the skin, delivering proper and even treatment. The passage of this mild electrical current to the affected skin temporarily stops sweat production. It is believed that this is due to mild current neutralizing the signal between the nerves and sweat glands.

This treatment is ideal for those looking for long-lasting dryness that have not had any luck with conventional antiperspirant sticks and creams and are seeking something stronger. Additionally, due to its effectiveness and limited minor side effects, it is also recommended over riskier and more invasive treatment options such as medications, injections, and surgery.

Best of all, tap-water iontophoresis is a natural, non-invasive, needle-free and drug-free treatment option. So, even when normalcy does resume and you are free to go back to your previous treatment choice, we think you will not even want to!

How to Get Started With Your Iontophoresis Treatments

The areas most commonly affected by hyperhidrosis are the hands, feet, and underarms. If this is you, then you’re in the right place and the perfect candidate to try iontophoresis treatment (please consult contraindications here). Whether you suffer from excessive sweating in one of these zones, or all three, Dermadry has the targeted solution for you.

Our anti-sweat device is FDA cleared, and has an active medical device license from both Health Canada and the Australian Therapeutic Goods Association. Our all-in-one solution only requires access to a power supply and tap water. Setup is simple and requires the user to set up the device, plug it in, and add tap water, which only takes about a minute to do. Treatment sessions are 15 minutes for underarms, and 20 minutes (each) for hands and feet. The frequency of treatment depends on the severity of hyperhidrosis, and a treatment plan is laid out in our easy-to-understand instruction manual, and can be consulted in part here.

Rest assured that as a medical device manufacturer, we are considered an essential business and will remain open and ready to fulfill your orders. Our production team is hard at work to get your anti-sweat delivered to you as soon as possible. With our free express worldwide shipping, most of our customers receive their order within a couple of days.

While you’re home, take the opportunity to start treating hyperhidrosis and emerge from lockdown/quarantine as your best sweat-free self! Treatments can be done while watching an episode of your favourite TV series, reading a book, listening to music, or anything you like to do to pass the time.

If you have already tried iontophoresis, tell us about your experience in the comments! If you haven’t yet tell us about your treatment history and if you are interested in starting! Shop Dermadry’s device range below!

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