Resources For Those Living with Hyperhidrosis

Resources For Those Living with Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be alienating and frustrating due to the stigmatized nature of the condition. While at least 5% of the global population suffer from the medical condition, only 1 in 4 people ever discuss it openly with a loved one or health professional, and equally, only 1 in 4 people ever get a formal diagnosis. The stigmatized nature of the condition, as well as a lack of awareness surrounding it leads to people never seeking treatment.

November is Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month, we want to share some hyperhidrosis resources to help those suffering from the condition as well as those wanting to learn more about the condition!

We've included the International Hyperhidrosis Society, Voices of Hyperhidrosis, the Dermadry Hyperhidrosis community, as well as various other blogs, forums, and support groups for hyperhidrosis sufferers.

Voices of Hyperhidrosis

Voices of Hyperhidrosis is an awareness campaign dedicated to destigmatizing hyperhidrosis and breaking the silence surrounding excessive sweating. The website features the stories and photos of people around the world suffering from excessive sweating.

The goal of the project is to get people around the world to join them in raising awareness about hyperhidrosis and its mental, physical, emotional, occupational, and social challenges. Their goal is to amplify the voices of those living with hyperhidrosis and create visual and textual documentation that explores the individual lives of hyperhidrosis sufferers.

Launched in the summer of 2020 by Dermadry, the campaign has already amassed hundreds of submissions from all around the world. These submissions feature images of the person and the zone(s) affected by hyperhidrosis, the goal being to put a face and voice to all those living with hyperhidrosis and break the silence. The project also highlights the diversity of those living with the condition, truly proving that hyperhidrosis can affect anyone regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, and any other factors.

This campaign is one of the biggest ever completely aimed at raising awareness of hyperhidrosis and raising the voices of those living with the condition. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, you may relate to a lot of the stories shared on this platform, and if you aren’t familiar with the condition you can get a glimpse and better understanding of what it’s like to live with this condition and the unique challenges it’s sufferers face.

Browse the hundreds of hyperhidrosis stories submitted to Voices of Hyperhidrosis and submit yours here.

Dermadry Hyperhidrosis Community

The Dermadry Hyperhidrosis Community is an online community that is a safe space for all those suffering from hyperhidrosis to come together and share. With thousands of members, this has become the go-to place to learn everything there is to know about sweat, hyperhidrosis, and Dermadry! You can share your story and get tips from other hyperhidrosis sufferers.

The group is a judgment-free zone for all those suffering from hyperhidrosis to come together and share their stories, experiences, and tips & tricks. This is a place where you are free to vent, share your successes and struggles, and speak to others who can understand and relate to what you go through every day!

Join the Dermadry Hyperhidrosis Community here!

International Hyperhidrosis Society

The International Hyperhidrosis Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by excessive sweating. Founded in 2003 by a team of physicians and experts in hyperhidrosis research, it is the only independent, non-profit, global organization committed to raising awareness of hyperhidrosis worldwide. Their online network boasts an impressive amount of resources for hyperhidrosis sufferers, medical professionals, and those simply wanting to learn more about sweat and its effects.

On their website, you can find information about sweat, hyperhidrosis, treatment options, and additional resources. These include articles and blogs about the different types of hyperhidrosis, treatment options, product recommendations, insurance guides, and updates on scientific research and developments. Additionally, informative PDFs and guides designed to be shared with those unfamiliar with the condition (educators, parents, physicians, friends, etc.) to increase awareness and facilitate the discussion around sweating to eliminate the stigma.

Their mission is to “reduce the symptoms, anxiety, and social stigma associated with excessive sweating by improving the information, support, and treatment available to the millions of children, teens, and adults affected by hyperhidrosis worldwide”. They promote their mission by advocating for increased hyperhidrosis research, educating healthcare professionals, and raising awareness of the intricate impacts hyperhidrosis has on daily life and well-being.

Their website features a wealth of information and is a great starting point for hyperhidrosis sufferers and non-sufferers alike. Their website is also organized into sections in order to facilitate browsing for those wanting to delve deeper into more specific topics and looking for tailored information. Topics on their website include:

Online Communities

There are a number of online communities and support groups online that are great spaces for people suffering from hyperhidrosis to come together and share their experiences and stories. These are inclusive safe spaces to discuss everything related to sweat—no shame here! Some of our favourites include the hyperhidrosis subreddit r/hyperhidrosis, and the many Facebook groups that count thousands of members across the globe! We have also just launched our own Dermadry subreddit r/dermadry, and are building a community there as well!

You can also find some people sharing their stories and using their platforms (blogs, social media, etc.) to raise awareness of the condition. My Life as a Puddle blogger Maria Thomas has been blogging about hyperhidrosis for many years covering topics such as mental health and hyperhidrosis, and hyperhidrosis treatments and advocacy. You can read our interview with Maria Thomas here.

Other great places to connect with people who have hyperhidrosis include forums, social media, and YouTube. You can search through hashtags such as #hyperhidrosis on Instagram and search "hyperhidrosis" on YouTube, both of which will yield thousands of results of people talking and opening up about their condition, as well professional, medical, educational, and informative videos.

There are an array of communities that double as support groups for hyperhidrosis that allow people to meet others suffering from the condition and stay connected. In addition to checking out the resources above, subscribe to Dermadry’s newsletter and follow us on social media to learn more about hyperhidrosis, be the first to know about (and be a part of) our new projects and awareness campaigns, and stay up to date on all the latest hyperhidrosis news and updates! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!

No matter your favourite platform or way to communicate, we strongly urge you to join a community, especially if you're not at the stage where you're comfortable to talk about hyperhidrosis with a close one. These online communities are especially important for those who don’t have access to any in-person resources or support systems.

Excessive sweating can disrupt occupational, social, and daily activities and lead to heightened levels of stress. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hyperhidrosis patients have a statistically significant higher prevalence of anxiety, depression, and attention deficit disorder than the general public. Hyperhidrosis can have a tremendous negative impact on overall quality of life and wellbeing, and talking about it is the first step in improving your quality of life and destigmatizing excessive sweating!

Treating Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

While there is no cure for hyperhidrosis, effective treatment does exist, and is widely available. Some treatment options for hyperhidrosis include antiperspirants, injections, medications, and iontophoresis.

Iontophoresis is a non-invasive, drug-free, and needle-free way to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). It utilizes tap water and electrical current to halt the production of sweat. Iontophoresis treatment is done with a medical device, referred to as a tap water iontophoresis machine. It can be done in a clinical setting under medical supervision, but it is more commonly done at home with a compact and user-friendly home-use device, such as Dermadry.

Learn more about iontophoresis here and explore Dermadry’s range of FDA cleared and CE marked devices below!

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