Why Are My Feet Always Cold & Sweaty?

Why Are My Feet Always Cold & Sweaty?

Cold & Sweaty Feet: Hyperhidrosis?

When you think of sweaty feet, you likely think of them being sweaty as a result of being too hot. After all, sweating is the body’s mechanism to keep us cool! But for some people, sweating excessively can actually cause them to feel constantly cold, especially in their extremities. 

Sweaty feet conjure up the image of feet trapped in non-breathable shoes or boots that are moist, damp, warm, and generally unpleasant and malodorous. However, for those who suffer from plantar hyperhidrosis, better known as excessively sweaty feet (regardless of how warm you are or what shoes you’re wearing) then cold and clammy feet may be a result of their sweat.

What Causes Sweaty and Cold Feet?

Clammy hands and feet are cold and damp to the touch. While not everyone who suffers from hyperhidrosis will experience cold and clammy hands and feet, there is a large subsection of people who will. In fact, hyperhidrosis is one of the main culprits behind clammy hands and feet. 

Sweating is your body’s mechanism to cool your body temperature (thermoregulation). When your feet are constantly sweating no matter what you’re doing, and the sweat begins evaporating, then it may make your feet always feel cold. 

If your feet always feel cold, even in situations where you think they shouldn’t be, then you may suffer from hyperhidrosis. This means that your feet just sweat too much, and way in excess of what your body needs to maintain your body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis And Raynaud’s Syndrome

While primary hyperhidrosis is not caused by any other medical condition, it can be associated with other diseases, and may even increase your risk of certain skin conditions and infections.

Raynaud’s syndrome is a condition that is associated with excessive sweating. Approximately 5% of the global population suffer from hyperhidrosis, and similarly approximately 5% of the global population suffer from Raynaud’s, and there is certainly some overlap between these subsections of people.

Raynaud’s Syndrome is a common condition that is generally also not a signifier of any underlying health conditions. In people with Raynaud’s, when the body is exposed to cold temperatures, their body overreacts and the blood vessels in the extremities begin to contract and lessen blood flow. This causes a yellow-whitish and sometimes blueish-purple appearance on the fingers and toes. These “episodes” generally last several minutes, and sometimes will only resolve once the extremities are slowly warmed up again. Between these episodes, your hands and feet will generally always be cool to the touch, regardless of external factors such as temperature, and even when wearing socks or gloves.

Much like hyperhidrosis causes the body to have overactive sweat glands, Raynaud’s leads the body to have an over exaggerated response to cold environments. Extremities can turn a yellow-white due to a lack of blood flow and may cause tingling and temporary numbness. In more severe situations and cases, the extremities may turn blue and purple. Once the extremities start warming up again, they may again start turning red and swollen due to a rapid increase in blood flow to the area.. There’s no cure for Raynaud’s syndrome, but exercises to help circulation and blood flow to the extremities, as well as wearing appropriate thermal socks and gloves may help manage the situation. 

Hyperhidrosis can worsen Raynaud’s syndrome. If your body has an extreme reaction to cold to begin with, particularly in your hands and feet (two of the areas most commonly affected by hyperhidrosis) and you also sweat excessively, then you’re probably constantly feeling cold, clammy, and damp. The constant sweating and damp extremities may make extremities feel even colder and speed up an episode of Raynaud’s.

Reasons Your Feet May Be Cold & Sweaty

In addition to hyperhidrosis and Raynaud’s syndrome, you may also experience cold and clammy feet due to temperature changes, such as going from one extreme temperature to another, anxiety, thyroid problems, and having a fever. If you’ve just recently started having recurring cold feet and hands, and you’re not sure why, it’s best to consult with your doctor.

How To Treat Cold And Sweaty Feet

We’ve all heard about the importance of keeping your feet warm and dry for overall well being, comfort, and temperature control, but what if you can’t keep them warm because you’re constantly sweating, which then evaporates and leaves your skin feeling cool to the touch?  If this is the case, then it may be time to look for a treatment for sweaty feet that will not only keep you dry, but also help you keep your feet warm. 

If you’re also not a fan of foot powders, creams, and sprays that just leave residue behind and create a paste in your socks when mixed with sweat, and you’re looking for another type of treatment, then look no further! Dermadry is a machine that can treat excessive sweating of the hands and feet (and underarms too, if that’s something you struggle with!). If excessive sweating is the root cause of your cold feet, whether your feet are soaked or just always cold and clammy to the touch, then this can help you keep your feet 

If you sweat excessively from your feet, then the first step to attaining dry and warm feet is to get your sweating under control. A tested and trusted solution to keep your feet feeling dry with minimal effort on your part (and no gross powders and creams that turn to paste when in contact with your sweat) is iontophoresis treatment.

Dermadry makes iontophoresis treatment simple, and allows you to do it from the comfort of your home.

By getting your sweat under control, you’ll also be able to prevent your feet from feeling frozen. After all, cold feet are not only uncomfortable, but can also make your whole body feel cold, and even lead to other problems, particularly in your toes.

Discover Dermadry’s solution below to keep your feet warm and dry for up to 6 weeks at a time with just one treatment. The Dermadry Hands & Feet iontophoresis machine was designed to treat excessive sweating of two of the areas most commonly affected by hyperhidrosis. If you have cold and clammy feet, chances are you also have cold and clammy hands, and thankfully our solution treats both!

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